What are the Features and Benefits of Breast Milk?

For a newborn baby, breast milk is a miraculous food that meets all needs. The baby needs this miraculous food to adapt to his new world. In the absence of it, many problems can be encountered and artificial foods such as formula are not yet able to protect the baby against environmental conditions. Therefore, breast milk is still the most important food that cannot be replaced.

Breast milk is the most important thing that prepares newborn babies for the world. It is extremely important for the baby to be fed exclusively with breast milk for the first 6 months. The fact that breast milk is so important has caused it to be the subject of research by scientists constantly. There are even unanswered questions. For example, while 10 percent of the iron in foods can be absorbed, 50 percent of the iron can be absorbed from breast milk. Therefore, the subject is extremely interesting.

Not only for humans, but for all mammals, it is extremely important for their young to be fed with milk. The fact that animals in nature immediately revolt with breast milk is due to the fact that they have different nutritional values ​​than human milk, and these features develop in accordance with their nature. So, unquestionably, breast milk is a miraculous food. Despite all the researches, breast milk will not be replaced for a long time.

Breast milk is produced during pregnancy and childbirth. This milk produced by the body may be less in some women. In this case, it can be increased by resorting to natural methods. It can be increased by consuming milk-forming foods. In addition, gas-producing foods, cigarettes, and substances such as alcohol should not be consumed. Because they are passed directly from mother to baby. In this context, we have gathered here for you what you need to know about breast milk.

What is Breast Milk?

It is the milk that starts to be produced by the effect of hormones in a pregnant woman and is released with the birth of the baby, which provides the nutrition of newborn babies. It is recommended by the World Health Organization that babies should receive breast milk for the first 6 months. After six months, breastfeeding should be continued until at least 1 year of age, along with additional foods.

Breast milk is the ideal food for babies and breastfeeding is a unique method. Thanks to breast milk, all the necessary nutrients are provided to babies. During the breastfeeding period, the frequency of diseases such as diarrhea, pneumonia, bacterial spread in the blood and meningitis decreases. At the same time, the risk of developing allergic diseases, cancer and nervous system disorders decreases with age. Apart from all these, it creates an incredible emotional bond between mother and baby.

In the first 6 months, when breastfeeding is tied and the baby is fed only with breast milk, the newborn does not need water or any other food. No other food or drink is given to a breastfed baby before 6 months of age. Because these will cause discomfort in the baby’s intestinal and digestive system, which is not yet fully developed. The likelihood of contracting diarrhea and other diseases will increase.

The composition of breast milk differs according to the secretion periods. The milk that begins to be secreted after birth and continues for an average of 5 days is called colostrum. The protein content of this milk is at the highest level of all periods. It contains some substances that increase immunity and white blood cells that protect babies against inflammatory diseases. Therefore, colostrum is seen as the baby’s first vaccine.

The milk that comes from colostrum between 6 and 15 days is called transitional milk or intermediate milk. The milk that starts to be secreted after the transitional milk and continues to come as long as the baby is breastfed is called whole milk. The protein and mineral content of transitional milk is lower than colossal milk and higher than whole milk.

Composition of breast milk; It also changes during the day, during breastfeeding, according to the way of sucking, the age of the mother, the number of pregnancies and the gestational age. Growth hormones in breast milk increase during sleep. At the beginning of lactation, sugar-rich foremilk comes, and at the end of lactation, fat-rich hindmilk comes. Fat and protein content increase with absorption time. The fat content in milk increases 4-5 times towards the end of breastfeeding during a suckling, and the protein content increases by 50 percent.

What is the Importance of First Milk?

The first milk that comes after the mother gives birth is rich in immunoglobulin IgA, which is one of the proteins that make up the immune system. It covers the inside of the organs in the baby’s digestive system. Thus, it has a protective effect until the baby’s digestive system is fully functioning. The effect of the substance on the baby’s organs is that it facilitates the excretion of meconium and inhibits the production of bilirubin. The milk that comes during the first week is called colostrum. In addition to its protective feature, it also has a nutritive feature.

Breast milk is the best food that can provide babies with all the nutrients they need for the first 6 months. The first yellow milk after birth is extremely important for the baby. Because it protects the baby against diseases. This milk, which is the baby’s first vaccine, is of vital importance. At the same time, it is ensured that an emotional bond is established between the baby and the mother.

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Breast milk also contributes to the fact that they are more intelligent than babies fed with other foods in later ages. The reason why it is the best food is that breast milk is an ideal food that contains all kinds of nutritional values ​​such as protein, fat, iron and vitamins. Thanks to the preservatives it contains, it protects the baby from infections.

Breast milk is also very important in terms of preventing the baby from experiencing digestive problems. It is also important to consume it completely naturally, without the need for boiling. It has higher nutritional value than cow’s milk. At the same time, there is no need to give water to the baby even in very hot climates, as it contains enough water and vitamins. Also, there is no need for fruit juice in the first 6 months.

The first yellow milk after birth; It protects from diseases such as diarrhea, respiratory tract infection. Breastfed children; It is resistant to diseases such as asthma, allergies, and childhood diabetes. It is also known that the cancer rate is lower. Since breast milk contains enough iron, anemia is not seen in breastfed babies. At the same time, babies who are fed with breast milk experience less diaper rash, abdominal pain and constipation problems.

The mortality rates in children fed with breast milk are 4 to 6 times higher than those fed with breast milk. According to the World Health Organization, if the rates of breastfeeding women were high, 1.5 million babies a year could be saved.

What are the Characteristics of Breast Milk?

Protein content begins to decrease in the second week after the first milk. Transitional milk is formed, in which the lactose and fat content increases. In the next process, milk rich in fat is formed. While the first milk is rich in carbohydrates; In the last process, milk is rich in fat.

Milk is generally rich in protein. However, all minerals are less in proportion to cow’s milk. The reason for this is to protect the baby’s digestive system, but some minerals are also higher than in cow’s milk.

The most abundant minerals are iron and zinc. In addition, the fatty acids are eight times that of cow’s milk. The purpose of this is to provide the oil balance necessary for the baby’s brain development in the first period.

What are the Benefits of Breast Milk for the Baby?

While infectious diseases are less common in infants grown with breast milk, their brain development is extremely good. Diarrhea, allergies, respiratory diseases can be prevented thanks to breast milk. Serious diseases such as cancer types, osteoporosis and MS seen in advancing age are more rare in people who received breast milk in infancy. Apart from the benefits for the baby, various types of cancer and anemia are less common in breastfeeding mothers. In other words, breastfeeding has benefits for the mother as well as the baby.

Breast milk is the first food with protective and nutritious properties against all dangers when babies are just starting their lives. It is recommended by experts that babies should only be breastfed for the first 6 months. Today, unfortunately, mothers have problems with milk due to reasons such as the fact that foods contain various substances compared to the past.

Many mothers complain that they do not have enough milk. First of all, you should try natural ways to increase milk. You can consume herbal teas that are known to be beneficial. From foods, especially spring onions, lentils and legumes have a milk-enhancing effect. You should consume it by taking the risk of gas. After all, gas is a temporary condition and is not important from the end of breast milk. However, you should be careful to drink plenty of water.

Correct Breastfeeding and Breastfeeding Times

The correct grip and the way the baby grasps the breast are very important while the baby is breastfeeding. While breastfeeding continues, various hormones are secreted in the nursing mother and the milk is discharged. To breastfeed, you should prefer a comfortable seat and sit upright.

The baby’s face and body should be fully facing the mother. The breast should be supported with the fingers, and the tip and brown area of ​​the breast should be completely in the baby’s mouth. Otherwise, sores may occur on the breast. In the breastfeeding position, the baby’s chin should be against the chest and the nose should be exposed.

Breastfeeding times vary according to the baby’s month. The baby should be breastfed as soon as it is born. For the first two months, the baby should be breastfed whenever he wants. Both breasts should be given alternately. Babies empty the breast in an average of 15 minutes at each meal. After the first period, the breastfeeding interval can be extended for 2 to 3 hours depending on the baby’s hunger.