What is Mobbing? Types, Causes, Effects, Examples

Mobbing, which people encounter especially in business life, is the situation where they are emotionally and psychologically pressured by people above them.

What is mobbing?

Thronging; What people often experience in their organization life is pressure, psychological strike, emotional harassment, harassment, an example of physical violence, exemption as well as intimidation, typically by individuals in a higher placement than them. In other words, it is all kinds of wicked done in an organized way, aimed at scare tactics. Because of this, it is likewise called “Office Disease” amongst the people. Words “mobbing” is used more extensively in the worldwide field.

When we analyze it in terms of terms, the word “Setting upon”; It can be defined as making it hard or even protecting against a person from doing his work by bugging him, attempting to intimidate that person and avoiding him from feeling safe in his workplace by showing harassing attitudes.

Although it is usually seen that individuals are in a greater placement than them, it is feasible for a lower-level staff member or a staff member at the same degree to use this type of emotional harassment, as well as these situations are often come across.

Swarming, which is exposed to mostly all sectors on the planet, is generally widespread in education, social services and also health and wellness markets. Swarming, which is usually done within the principles of being young or old and also beauty and also ugliness, is often used particularly to females.

What are the types of mobbing?

What is mobbing? Types, Causes, Effects, Examples

It is feasible to set apart the sensation known as mobbing, which is usually performed in the business environment, according to the way it takes place as well as individuals. In this context, we can examine the concept of swarming in 4 different types.

Strategic mobbing: It is a type of psychological pressure used by the monitoring group in an institution or company to their staff members separately or in groups, which daunts them as well as leads them to stop their work. This type is typically used against employees who are in an unfavorable placement in a company due to the fact that it is thought about to be in the business’s favour.

Vertical mobbing: It is a kind that defines the situation where an individual that is a supervisor in an institution or company pesters his staff members one at a time or only one of them with emotional stress. In this kind, the person who is normally in an elderly setting misuses the rights given to him in the business environment. When the authority is mistreated and utilized laid-up, it is possible for the staff member to become irritated and feel insecure in the workplace by being under emotional pressure.

Horizontal mobbing: It is the sort of psychological pressure seen in between people operating in the very same status in an institution or company. Because of this, there is agitation in between equivalent people. It accompanies points such as not being taken out, being thought to be extra effective, having a scenario of envy. It is typically rooted in individual troubles between people.

Upright mobbing: It is the sort of intimidation plan adhered to by the working group in an establishment or company against the individual in the supervisory credentials. When such a supervisor is daunted by individuals operating in a lower position than himself, he will certainly remain in a difficult situation versus his superiors and also there will certainly be instability in the business setting.

What are the Elements of Mobbing? How is Mobbing Made?

There are certain elements that must be present in order to be able to definitively determine that the concept of mobbing has occurred.


  • It is a phenomenon that should occur between people who are equal in seniority and between people who are in a subordinate or superior position to each other in seniority.
  • The health problems of the person exposed to mobbing should arise.
  • It must be for negative purposes.
  • It is a phenomenon that should be done systematically over a period of at least 6 months.
  • Negative behavior can be displayed overtly or covertly.
  • The professional problems of the person exposed to mobbing should arise.
  • It is a phenomenon that needs to happen in a person’s work environment.

What are the Causes of Mobbing?

What is mobbing? Types, Causes, Effects, Examples

There are many negative behaviors that can be examined under the name of mobbing. The things that cause the emergence of these negative behaviors can be examined individually and institutionally.

Institutional reasons:

  • The willingness to replace old and experienced personnel with new and inexperienced personnel, taking into account the financial situation. Thus, lower wages can be paid.
  • The desire to increase success and, accordingly, the effort to make people who are called “rotten eggs” leave the job voluntarily.
  • The situation where the purpose of existence of the employer and the institution is not properly understood by the employees.
  • The situation where the employees cannot keep up with the technological conditions that have become the necessity of the institutions.
  • In cases of grouping among employees, the administrative staff’s taking sides and their willingness to rule out the other party.
  • The “rejuvenation attempt” request that is planned to be made in the employee staff.
  • The necessity of downsizing together with the financial situations.
  • The emergence of sudden and radical changes in the administrative staff.

possible to sort.

The individual reasons are;

  • prejudices.
  • The phenomenon of hostility.
  • Compulsions.
  • Acceptances.
  • Don’t take pleasure in inflicting pain.

possible to sort.

What Can Be Done for Mobbing? What Precautions Can Be Taken?

Mobbing is a very wearisome event for people working in the workplace and it brings with it difficult and wearing days. Most institutions consciously put their staff on probationary period and try to intimidate them with some tactics during this process. In short, it tries. For this reason, people who encounter such a situation should first act consciously and turn their psychology into an armored shield against all the negativities that this situation will bring.

The roadmap to follow is as follows:

  • It is necessary to accurately identify people who are inclined to mobbing, taking into account whether they have applied mobbing before or not.
  • Psychologically, it will be necessary to move forward with firm steps. Thus, it can resist attacks from the opposite side like an unbreakable wall.
  • It may be useful to frequently state that he will not be affected by every negativity. In this way, the person who has a tendency to mobbing against the person can take a step back by understanding that the other person will not give up easily.
  • One should know how to deal with stress when faced with stress.
  • The person should have high self-confidence.
  • The person should first respect himself and then others in the business environment. However, it should be stated that there are some requirements of respect and that its continuity can be ensured within the framework of these requirements.
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What are the Effects of Mobbing?

Since mobbing is a situation that is generally encountered in the business environment, its effects are mostly in this direction.

  • The person exposed to mobbing develops a sense of distrust towards the people they work with.
  • Anxiety disorders occur in the person who is exposed to mobbing.
  • The situation of feeling deficient in professional competence of the person who is exposed to mobbing occurs.
  • A state of paranoia may occur in the person exposed to mobbing .
  • The person who is exposed to mobbing may want to isolate himself from the society with the effect of embarrassment.
  • Emotional disorders can be seen in the person exposed to mobbing. He or she may experience emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger at the same time.
  • Crying crises can be seen in the person exposed to mobbing.
  • Health problems such as high blood pressure , excessive weight loss or excessive weight gain, alcohol or drug addiction , panic attacks and heart attacks may occur in the person exposed to mobbing .
  • The person exposed to mobbing gradually loses motivation at work.
  • The person exposed to mobbing begins to have difficulty in fulfilling their daily responsibilities and as a result, they become unable to do so.
  • Stress begins to occur in the person exposed to mobbing.
  • It occurs when the person exposed to mobbing resigns and becomes unemployed.
  • Attempted murder may occur in the person exposed to mobbing.

Mobbing Examples

It is  almost impossible to state a clear form for mobbing , which has become a society and workplace problem and is frequently encountered . But it is possible to make different samples.

  • Attribution of the adjective of failure to the person – Expressing that a person is constantly unsuccessful in business life, without relying on any concrete data, and trying to intimidate him by applying psychological pressure in this way.
  • To ignore any idea given by the person, to prevent him from commenting on the subject, in short, to use psychological violence by pretending that it does not exist.
  • Not being invited to an event organized for the personnel of the institution you work for and thus causing your exclusion.
  • Constantly lobbying, gossiping about the person and thus acting outside the ethics of privacy.
  • Being exposed to psychological pressure by being constantly followed by your employer in the working environment.
  • Deprivation of compensation-To make the person resign on their own by putting them under excessive psychological pressure and taking away their right to compensation.
  • The situation of restricting one’s authority and field of duty-Using psychological violence to cause a person to be unable to do the job assigned to him and to keep him in a difficult situation as a result.
  • A case of undue treatment in matters of salary and bonus-Despite the existence of demonstrable data; not to give the material rights that the person deserves and to make the increase in the legal way it should be.
  • Attribution of incompetence to the person-Although it does not reflect the truth; constantly expressing that the given work is not done in appropriate norms, that the information is incomplete, that the data is insufficient.
  • The situation of putting an excessive workload on the person – Constantly trying to increase the workload and thus intimidate the person by assigning him not only the work that is his responsibility, but also the responsibilities of others.
  • Discrimination status-When people with the same status are approached differently and positively; to keep the person at a lower level than others in matters such as education, economy and social rights.
  • Insulting situation-Consciously putting the person under psychological pressure by saying insulting, insulting words in front of other personnel.
  • Change of location-Trying to intimidate the person by deliberately changing their place of duty frequently, being assigned to the place farthest from their home, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mobbing

How is mobbing proven in the workplace?

First of all, it is necessary to know the difference between the compelling conditions faced by every person in business life and mobbing. These two cases are often confused with each other.

Proof is the main factor for an event to be called “Mobbing” and for the necessary legal rights to be sought. At the same time, it is of great importance to prove the continuity of the psychological warfare factors called “mobbing”. For this reason, the verbal testimony of the people working in the institution against the mobbing event they witnessed, the recording of the abrasive phone calls, the corporate mails written in the electronic environment and containing humiliating things such as insults will be evidence of such events before the judiciary. .

What should employees who think they are being mobbed do?

In the case of mobbing, the most important thing is to have the proof of the events. Therefore; It is necessary to witness the correspondence and speeches of the people in the common area by everyone.

  • Be sure to take note of who has behaved badly towards you, how long they have been doing this behavior, and who is in front of them. Detailed information such as date and time may also be important in this regard.
  • If you have any offensive notes, messages, e-mails, audio recordings, etc., keep them. In fact, if possible, print it out and keep it with the date information.
  • If there is a situation in your psychology that is contrary to your normal state, obtain a document proving the reason with a doctor’s report who is an expert in the field.
How do mobbing people behave?
  • They are neurotic. They lack self-confidence and respect.
  • They are restless.
  • Planning skills are often poor.
  • They are cowards.
  • They want to be in power. For this reason, they always have a desire to be strong.
  • They are antipathetic.
  • They are constantly engaged in malicious speech and behavior.