What is Mitosis Division? Features, Stages

Mitosis is when the parent cell divides to create 2 brand-new cells. Mitosis happens just in eukaryotic cells, and also it provides growth, development and repair of wounds in multicellular microorganisms.

It is normally complied with by cytokinesis, the department of the cytoplasm and also cell membrane layer. Consequently, 2 child cells are created with the same organelles and also various other cell elements. Mitosis and also cytokinesis describe the mitosis signified by the letter M in the cell cycle. While the formation of somatic cells in multicellular organisms occurs by mitosis, the development of sex cells happens by a type of department called meiosis. In prokaryotes without a nucleus, cells separate by the approach of division called fission.

Mitosis, which starts after the zygote is developed, proceeds throughout life in all soma cells and also some cells (bone marrow, etc) until the organism reaches a particular dimension. In mitosis, the chromosomes reproduce in the center of each cell, and are offered to both little girl cells developed by the department of the parent cell. Therefore, two child cells are created, similar to the moms and dad cell, with a diploid number (2n) chromosomes.

In mitosis, nuclear division is defined as karyokinesis and also cytoplasm department is specified as cytokinesis. Karyokinesis is seen at first as interphase and then as real department stages prophase, metaphase, anaphase and also telophase. Mitosis splits hereditary details right into two throughout cell division. It takes place in body cells. It provides reproduction in unicellular as well as development and development in multicellular. Chromosome number remains continuous in mitosis (2n-2n n-n). In mitosis, 2 cells are developed from 1 cell. Chromosome structure does not alter in mitosis. Genetic info remains the very same.

Amitosis: It is seen in germs, amoeba, euglena and also cancer cells. It is the straight department of the cell with no modification in the cytoplasm and center.

Endomitosis: Only nuclear department takes place. The cytoplasm is not split. Endomitosis is seen in our striated muscle mass cell, in the paremesium, in pollen.

General Features of Mitosis

What is Mitosis? Features, Stages

  • Mitosis occurs in all living things.
  • Mitosis occurs in body cells with 2n chromosomes.
  • In mitosis, two cells with 2n chromosomes are formed from a cell with 2n chromosomes.
  • 2 new cells with 2n chromosomes, which are formed as a result of mitosis, have the same DNA (hereditary information). The two cells formed as a result of mitosis are similar to each other.
  • Mitosis continues as long as a living thing is alive. (It continues from the formation of the zygote to the growth, development and death of the living thing.)
  • During mitosis, the number of chromosomes of the dividing cell does not change and remains constant.
  • Mitosis ensures progeny in single-celled organisms. Mitosis provides growth, development, repair of tissues and regeneration of dead cells in multicellular organisms.
  • Mitosis provides an increase in the number of individuals without creating biodiversity. New mitosis helps to increase the number of species.
  • Before mitosis occurs, a preparatory phase, called the interphase, takes place in the cell.
  • Mitosis takes place in two stages as nuclear division (Karyokinesis) and cytoplasm division (Cytokinesis).

Cell cycle and also mitosis stages

Mitosis becomes part of the cell cycle. The cell cycle contains a very long interphase and also a short department phase. The mitotic phase (M) stage consists of nuclear department and cytoplasm department.


Mitosis is a relatively short component of the cell cycle. The phase that composes the majority of the cycle is the interphase, in which the cell prepares itself for division.

Interphase is split into 3 phases, G1, S, and also G2. In the G1 stage, ATP synthesis, variety of organelles as well as healthy protein synthesis boost. DNA replication is completed in the S phase. In the G2 phase, the cell completes its preparation for division. While the cell cycle is completed in 24 hours in a rapidly multiplying human cell, it can be finished in much less than thirty minutes in an embryo cell, 90 mins in a yeast cell, and 20 mins in a bacterial cell.

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In interphase, paired chromatin shortens as well as thickens right into chromosomes. The nuclear membrane layer, nucleolus and also organelles melt away totally. Chromosomes start to relocate to the equatorial area.


Sister chromatids are arranged on the equatorial airplane like a circle, occasionally combined, on the equatorial plane, as well as the centrosomes start to send out the spindle fibers they have actually formed in the interphase in the direction of the chromosomes. There is a mild constriction in the center of the cell. Pin fibers affix to sibling chromatids. It is the phase where the chromosomes are most clearly seen.


Sis chromatids are entirely separated from each various other by synchronised department of the centromeres of the chromosomes into 2. Sister chromatids connect to the pin fibers with their centromeres as well as are drawn to opposite poles. Anaphase is finished when sibling chromatids get to opposite posts.


Nuclear membrane layer, nucleolus and also organelles, which dissolve in the prophase stage, begin to create once again. Chromatids drawn to the poles enter into the nuclear membrane layer. Simply put, in this phase, the reverse of everything that occurs in Prophase happens. After this stage, the cytoplasm division happens.

Cytoplasm department

After nuclear division (karyokinesis) takes place, pet cells are intertwined in the center, while plant and other walled eukaryotic cells share a middle lamella (intermediate lamella) to form two new cells

Cytoplasm division in an animal cell: It begins with a knuckle that takes place in the equatorial area of the cell from the outside to the within. This tightness continues until it splits the cytoplasm right into 2. New cells are of equal or unequal dimension. Nonetheless, in regards to genetic material, both cells have the very same hereditary framework and the number of chromosomes is equal.

Since the plant cell has a cell wall, no condensation is seen. In the center of the cell, the development of the intermediate plate called the center lamella (intermediate lamella) begins. The center lamella increases the size of as well as enlarges until it reaches the cell wall surface. Hence, the frameworks in the cytoplasm are nearly just as separated right into two. Gradually, the center lamella becomes the normal cell wall at the end of the activity of the two daughter cells. With the division of the cytoplasm, two child cells with the same hereditary information are developed.

Distinctions in mitosis in pet and also plant cells.

  • Although the cytoplasm in pet cells is divided by node, it accompanies the formation of a center lamella (intermediate lamella) in plant cells.
  • In plant cells, the pin fibers prepare the cytoplasm, while in pet cells centrosomes do it.