Causes and Treatment of Skin Peeling in the Eyebrows

Everything About Eyebrow Skin Peeling : Skin peeling is a common condition that is seen in many parts of the body, including the hands, feet and scalp. Since eyebrow skin peeling is a peeling on the face that people first look at, people want to treat it in a short time. Generally, it may occur periodically due to environmental factors, but also skin peeling in the eyebrows may also be caused by serious diseases. Read on for more information on the causes and methods of treatment of skin peeling in the eyebrows.

Causes of Eyebrow Skin Peeling

Skin peeling on the eyebrows is a common phenomenon for many reasons. The cells constantly renew themselves, while the upper layer of the epidermis is shed. Exfoliation may be accompanied by symptoms such as itching of the skin and dryness of the skin. The causes of eyebrow skin peeling are listed below.

  • Dry Skin

Dry skin is one of the most common causes of skin peeling on the eyebrows. Although we think eyebrows protects the skin under our it, this may not be enough in some extreme cases. The skin tends to dry out especially with the effect of dry air in winter. However, too much exposure to sunlight during the summer also causes dryness in the skin. Taking a shower with too cold or hot water also impairs the skin’s moisture balance.

  • Chemicals

Chemicals are risk factors for every part of the skin. If the soaps or shampoos used in the shower are not suitable for the skin type, this may cause skin peeling in the eyebrows. Makeup materials, cleansers or creams also cause skin rash due to the chemicals they contain.

  • Allergy

some types of allergies occur periodically, and others with triggering agents. Those with sensitive skin should perform their daily care by considering their allergies. Frequent exposure to dirty air may also cause unhealthy skin formation that results skin rash.

  • Vitamins and Minerals Deficiency

The meals that people eat also nourish the skin. Those who suffer from a deficiency of vitamins or minerals and those who are unhealthy fed may experience skin flaking. If eyebrows skin peeling is caused by a lack of vitamins, it is inevitable that other ailments may occur.

  • Dermatitis

Dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is usually allergic, inflammatory skin disease that occurs as a result of skin sensitization or contact with many substances or with the effect of genetic and environmental factors. Eczema is an individual disease and is not contagious. In cases of mild eczema, the skin becomes dry and reddened. Also, skin peeling and itching are among the common symptoms. In more severe cases, a rash, crusting and bleeding occurs on the skin. Constant scratching causes skin to break down and bleed. In this case, it leaves the skin susceptible to infection.

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis, is a serious cause of eyebrow skin peeling. It is known as psoriasis among the people because of the formation of white, thick, shiny and dry dandruff on a slightly raised ground. The disease may last for several years or months in some patients, but may continue for life in some patients. Whether rashes are more or less differs from person to person. Psoriasis is a chronic immune system disease that occurs because skin cells act quickly during the renewal period. Since skin cells are renewed quite quickly, it causes dandruff and flaking on the skin.

  • Stress
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Excessive stress in daily life can disrupt the body’s chemistry. this may show its effect as a skin rash. If the eyebrow skin peeling is caused by stress, patients can do activities that will relax themselves.

Treatment Methods Of Eyebrows Skin Peeling

  • Skin Dryness

To treat dry skin, it is necessary to identify the cause. If the skin dryness that causes eyebrow skin peeling in the eyebrows occurs due to harsh winter conditions it is important not to stay in the cold for a long time. In addition, direct contact of the skin with cold air can be prevented with a bruise. If the reason for skin peeling on the eyebrows is to be exposed to the sunlight, it is absolutely necessary to use sunscreen cream and not go out at noon. Taking a shower with warm water and using moisturizing creams reduces dryness of the skin.

  • Chemicals

The chemicals in the cosmetics used can adversely affect the structure of the skin. For this reason, more natural makeup and cosmetic products should be preferred. Also, soap and shampoo that suitable for the skin type should be used.

  • Allergy

If people with allergies know what they are allergic to, they should try to stay away from the triggering factors in daily life. The underlying cause can be learned by having an allergy test. In addition, patients should keep their allergy medication with them at all times.

  • Vitamins and Minerals Deficiency

the skin is a living and breathing organ. eating healthy provides the skin to get the vitamins and minerals it needs. In this way, the skin shines.

  • Dermatitis

Eczema which is known as atopic dermatitis can be permanent. If the cause of eyebrow skin peeling is eczema you may need to try various treatments for months or years to get it under control and even if the treatment is successful, signs and symptoms may recur. Early diagnosis is very important for an effective treatment. If you have a bacterial infection, open wound, or crack in your skin, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic-containing cream or take a short-term oral antibiotic to treat the infection. If regular moisturizing your skin or other natural treatment methods don’t help you, consult your doctor.

  • Psoriasis

Unfortunately, the treatment of psoriasis has not been found in today’s medical technology. However, you can prevent the progression of the disease and take it under control. Early diagnosis is very important in psoriasis. It is easier to control and faster to treat. However, if these diagnoses did not occur and cover a certain part of your body, unfortunately, a systemic treatment should be applied. Treatment of psoriasis is done personally. To explain, the patient has certain criteria such as age, lifestyle, gender.