Causes And Treatments Of Hand Skin Peeling

Hands are organs that we use most frequently in daily life. We do not want something bad to happen to our hands, which is extremely important for us to complete our every work. Hand skin peeling leads to itching, swelling and burning sensation. Also, skin peeling on the hands will cause a bad appearance.

Normally our body sheds between 30 and 40,000 dead skin cells every day and replaces them with fresh, yet ripe ones. However, you do not notice that your skin cells are enlarged, renewed or shed in small scales. The top layer of your skin contains some natural oils along with dead skin cells, which helps prevent water loss in your skin. If this layer is damaged and the moisture in your skin disappears by evaporation or if the skin cells renewal process accelerates abnormally, your skin may flake and spill. Hand skin peeling may result from external factors as well as medical conditions. It is important not to be late for treatment. Because late intervention may worsen the situation and cause more painful and long treatment process.

Causes Of Hand Skin Peeling

Since we actively use our hands in every area of life, it will not be wrong to say that hands are the most polluted areas in our body during the day. Skin peeling is caused by damage to the epidermis of your skin. The hand skin peeling can be caused by bad weather or it can be a sign of serious diseases. Here are some basic causes of hand skin peeling.

  • Skin Dryness

Dry skin is the most common cause of hand skin peeling. Skin dryness can often be caused by weather conditions, the skin’s structure, or the side effects of some medications.

Climate: If you live in a place with adverse weather conditions, you should be careful especially when winter comes. Dryness is inevitable where the humidity is low.

Hand Washing Frequently: Washing hands frequently also causes skin dryness. soaps cause damage to the oil layer that protects the skin. the structure of the skin tends to dry out.

  • Sunburn

UV rays coming from the sun are extremely dangerous especially at noon in summer. Hands burning from the sun blush, burn, give pain and exfoliate. Sunburn can even cause skin cancer if you don’t pay attention. Sunbathing that long for hours makes sunburn inevitable.

  • Allergy

Some people have more sensitive skin than others. Many things can be the cause of an allergy from the places you touch to the things you eat. The consequences of allergy include hand skin peeling. You may be allergic to medicines, detergents, soaps or creams. Also, airborne contaminants such as pollen and dust are among the causes of allergy.

  • Chemicals

Cleaning products contain intensive chemical products. If you are not careful while cleaning, chemicals will harm your hand. Also, the hands of people who work with chemicals due to work wear out in time and their hand skin is peeled.

  • Hand Fungus

Hand fungus are more common than you might think in hand skin peeling.Fungal infections are very common skin problems that can affect both children and adults. Hand fungus begins primarily in the nail areas, and one of its first features is excessive itching. Thickening is experienced with itching and swelling at the bottom of the nail. In some cases, it is observed that large sores occur on the hand skin due to itching. In the itchy areas, the skin is flaked. Among the causes of the fungus there are sweating a lot, keeping the hands moist, not paying attention to cleanliness and weak immune system. Hand fungus is also an infectious disease. Using or contacting with someone’s towel and nail clipper who has hand fungus causes you to have hand fungus.

  • Eczema

Hand skin peeling may be caused by eczema. There are different types of eczema.

Contact Eczema: Eczema made by substances that contact the skin from outside are called contact eczema. Many causes, such as detergents, dyes, soaps, oils, acids, alkalis and chlorinated pool waters, develop irritant eczema on the skin by irritating them for long-term continuous contact. Hand eczema of housewives is typical of this. The type of eczema that irritates can also be caused by cold air, sweat, extreme heat, saliva and animal hair. Itching, redness and watery blisters appear on the skin. If the contact eczema becomes chronic for a long time, thickening and crusting of the skin occurs.

Stress-based Eczema: Lichen simplex chronicus, known as stress eczema, is the most common skin disease caused by stress. The crustaceous reddened plaques that it forms in the person itching constantly occur. Psychological support along with skin treatment is very important in stress eczema.

Acquired Eczema: Acquired eczema can come either from an sensitivity to an internal factor (relatively rare, because skin disease caused by internal factors often occurs in the form of hives) or to an external factor.

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an inflammatory-based chronic skin disease that produces lesions of the subcutaneous skin. It is not contagious; however, it can be inherited and is more common in men than in women. It starts with mild symptoms and is of autoimmune (congenital immunity) origin. The possible triggers that psoriasis has are very diverse:

  • Infections
  • Diet
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Emotional disorders
  • Climatic factors
  • Endocrine problems
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Dermatitis is a general disease that defines inflammation of the skin. Dermatitis can have many causes and can occur in many ways. It usually manifests as itchy rashes on swollen, reddened skin. There may be blistering, leaking, crusting and flaking on the skin affected by dermatitis. It may lead to hand skin peeling. Examples of dermatitis include atopic dermatitis (eczema), dandruff, and rash caused by contact with any of the substances, such as poison ivy, soap, and nickel-containing jewelry.

Treatments of Hand Skin Peeling

  • Skin Dryness

One of the common causes of hand dryness is harsh weather conditions. If you live in a harsh climate, do not neglect the use of gloves. Apply moisturizing cream on your hands frequently. wash your hands only when necessary. Prefer oil-based soaps suitable for your skin type.

  • Sunburn

Definitely use sunscreen to prevent harmful sun rays. avoid staying outside during in the middle of day. Try keeping your sunbathing time short. Be careful if the reason of hand skin peeling is sunburn. Note that advanced burns can cause skin cancer.

  • Allergy

If the reason for your hand skin peeling is allergy, you should start by finding the cause of the allergy. For this you need to have an allergy test. Once you know the cause of your allergy, you should be as careful as possible. Have the cream or medication your doctor prescribed for allergies with you.

  • Chemical

If the reason for the hand skin peeling is chemicals, firstly you should pay attention while cleaning. it is important not to mix different chemical materials for cleaning. it is useful to use gloves when cleaning. If you need to work with chemicals as a requirement of your job, wear protective clothing and take necessary measures.

  • Hand Fungus

Two main methods used in skin fungus include antifungal drugs and moisture preventive measures. Fungal infections are typically treated with antifungal drugs. Generally, the application of antifungal drugs, topical drugs to the affected areas, may be sufficient to treat the fungus. Topical medications include cream, gel, lotion, solution, or shampoo. On the other hand, some antifungal drugs can also be taken by mouth. In addition to drug treatment, it is very important to keep the skin area where the fungus is formed dry. It may be beneficial to dry the infected area thoroughly with a separate towel after the shower or, if possible, wearing open shoes for a while if the fungus has formed on the feet. Corticosteroids may be prescribed by the doctor to relieve inflammation and itching that occurs in some infections.

  • Eczema

Eczema is not a disease that is seen as dangerous and the child has severe consequences, but it causes discomfort for people suffering from this disease. In order not to have eczema, you should sleep regularly, keep your hand clean and avoid stress. As with any disease, early diagnosis is important in the treatment of eczema. The diagnosis of this disease by a specialist doctor is the result of a physical examination. However, in some cases, microscopic examinations may be required with a swab sample taken from the skin. In the treatment of B disease, local and systemic drugs and topical pomades are used. However, since the unconscious use of these drugs can damage the skin, they should be used under the control and knowledge of the hope.

There is no exact cure for psoriasis. Doctors may recommend some medications to reduce or almost eliminate symptoms depending on the cases. Consult your doctor for the correct medicines.

  • Dermatitis

Dermatitis treatments depend on its type, severity and cause of symptoms. Your skin can clear itself after one to three weeks.

  • If no improvement is seen, your doctor or dermatologist may recommend:
  • Medicines to reduce allergies and itching, such as antihistamine diphenhydramine
  • Exposure to phototherapy or affected areas to controlled amounts of light
  • Topical creams with a steroid such as hydrocortisone to relieve itching and inflammation
  • Creams or lotions for dry skin
  • Oatmeal baths to relieve itching

Antibiotics or antifungal medications are usually given only if hand skin peeling causes an infection.