Causes and Treatment of Peeling Skin on the Fingertips

Parmak Ucu Peelingi: Parmak ucu peelingi hem erkeklerde hem de kadınlarda son derece yaygın bir sağlık sorunudur. Günlük hayatta insanların başına gelen parmak uçlarının soyulmasının sayısız nedeni vardır. Parmak uçlarındaki soyulma nedenlerinin bir kısmı tedbirle giderilebilirken, bir kısmı da tıbbi müdahale gerektirebilir. Evde uygulanan tedavi yöntemlerine rağmen parmak uçlarında soyulma devam ediyorsa doktorunuza danışınız. Parmak uçlarında soyulma nedenlerini, tedavileri ve daha fazlasını yazımızda bulabilirsiniz.

Parmak uçlarında soyulma nedenleri

Parmak uçlarının nedenleri arasında çevresel faktörler ve tıbbi durumlar yer almaktadır. Parmak uçlarında soyulmanın başlıca nedenleri aşağıda sıralanmıştır.

  • Hava koşulları

Inclement weather conditions are the most common cause of finger tips peeling. People living in cold climates are convinced that their finger tips will peel off every winter. In places where the humidity is low, the weather is cold and the climate is harsh, peeling and cracking occur unless the measures are taken.

  • Frequently Hands Washing

Frequently hands washing can cause the finger tips and fingers to peel off. Considering the places we touch outside in daily life, it can be very useful to wash hands regularly. However, soaps that are used during hand washing usually cause the skin dryness. Dry skin peels off and cracks. Under normal conditions, there is a protective oil layer on our skin and washing hands frequently eliminates this oil layer.

  • Sun Burn

The sun rays coming upright in the summer have harmful UV rays. If your hands are exposed to harmful rays for a long time, the finger tips will peel off from sunburn. In this process, the fingers may become red, sensitive and may hurt when peeling. Sunburn usually disappears completely within a few weeks, but frequent recurrence of advanced burns increases the risk of skin cancer.

  • Chemicals

Many people are exposed to chemicals because of their jobs. People working especially in agriculture, construction and chemistry are at risk. However, cleaning products also contain harmful chemicals. If you do not pay attention when cleaning up, hands can be damaged. This damage causes finger tips peeling. Personal care products can also contain chemicals that can harm the hands. People should give pay attention when they are choosing the shampoo, soap and hand creams. Personal care products that are not suitable for the skin type are risk factors.

  • Finger Sucking

One of the common causes of finger tips peeling, especially in infants and young children, is finger sucking. Thumb sucking is normal for babies and if it is still continues when children grow up then you should consult a doctor.

  • Allergies

Allergy-induced peeling may be observed on the finger tips, mostly because of what you are in contact with. allergy is extremely serious in some cases. If allergy symptoms persist for more than a few days, you should consider seeking professional help.

  • Eczema

Eczema is a health condition that occurs for various reasons and is seen with symptoms such as skin rash, swelling, vesicles, itching. Eczema can come to the fore in different parts of the body. Redness and itching are observed on the hands due to eczema. In advanced eczema patients, blisters may also occur on the hands. Eczema is not contagious. It usually occurs in people whose hands are exposed to chemicals. Eczema can also be genetic.

  • Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disease in which immunity is very active and causes skin cells to multiply much faster than normal. Genetics plays an important role in psoriasis, cause of the disease is not known exactly. The skin of people with psoriasis tends to become inflamed. Due to the disease, red, raised and inflamed wounds occur on the skin. Psoriasis causes serious itching. This leads to finger tips peeling.

  • Exfoliative Keratolysis

This condition, which causes peeling in the hands and feet, is quite disturbing. Exfoliative keratolysis causes blisters, which then require peeling. The disease usually occurs in summer. Chemical products can worsen Exfoliative keratolysis.

  • Kawasaki Disease

This health condition, named after Japan, has symptoms such as rapidly rising fever, skin rashes and bloating. Kawasaki Disease, in which children are caught, causes rashes and peels on the hands and feet. The consequences of the disease include finger tips peeling.

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Treatmens Of Finger Tips Peeling

  • Weather Conditions

Although it is not possible to change the climatic conditions, it is possible to take measures according to the weather. If the weather is very cold, do not go out without gloves and moisten your hands frequently. Do not expose to too cold water.

  • Frequently Hands Washing

If washing your hands frequently causes finger tips peeling, you can replace your soap. Soaps with more oily and moisturizing ingredients ensure that the oil layer on the skin continues to exist. Make sure that the water you wash your hand is neither too hot nor too cold. Also, we can not say that you should not wash your hands, but you can reduce your washing frequency at least a little bit.

  • Sun Burn

Sun burn may lead worse results than finger tips peeling. To reduce the effects of sunburn, you should definitely use sunscreen. Your sunscreen must have high factors. Choose at least 50 factor sunscreens. Also, avoid being outdoors for a long time at noon in the summer and long-term unprotected sunbathing on the beach. Because sunburn can cause skin cancer in advanced level. If you somehow have sunburn, applying a burn cream can relieve your pain. Avoid activities that will irritate your hands for a while.

  • Chemicals

Chemicals are among the most harmful things for your hand. If you have to contact chemicals as a requirement of your job, always use protective gloves to prevent the fingertips peeling. It will also better for you to choose products with more natural content in your personal care products.

  • Finger Sucking

It is extremely natural for babies to suck fingers and you do not need to try to prevent them. If your children continue to suck their fingers as they grow older, you can resort to old-fashioned methods. For this, you should stop by grandmothers! Generally, it may be beneficial to apply pepper that does not harm the hands of children. If you cannot prevent finger sucking, you can seek help from a pedagogue or pediatrician.

  • Allergies

Some people are more sensitive than others about allergies. If your fingers are peeling off because of allergies, you should start by finding out exactly what you are allergic to. The allergy in your hands is caused by what you touch. it can be a chemical or a latex or a food. Some allergies can lead to serious health problems. If the symptom of your allergy does not disappear within a few days, consult your doctor.

  • Eczema

Eczema is controlled by drug treatments. For this, apply your doctor’s creams regularly and take your medicines completely. You should also follow the hand washing and drying routine that your doctor says. Treatments relieve or eliminate the symptoms of eczema. So the fingertip peeling ends.

  • Psoriasis

There is no cure for psoriasis but it can be controlled with some treatments. Consult your doctor for any symptoms you experience.

  • Exfoliative Keratolysis

Using moisturizer in the early stages of Exfoliative Keratolysis is often beneficial and relieves symptoms extremely. The progressive stages of the disease require medical treatments.

  • Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki disease is a serious heart disease in children. Symptoms include fingertip peeling, redness, and swelling. For this serious illness, you should take your child to the doctor as soon as possible.